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Explore the Power of Orgasmic Meditation

Explore the Power of Orgasmic Meditation


Orgasmic Meditation

Today, we’re diving into a topic that may spark curiosity, excitement, or even a little bit of intrigue: Orgasmic Meditation, often simply referred to as OM.

It is a favorite practice of mine and one that I often recommend to couples whom I work with.

If you’re ready to explore new ways of connecting intimately with yourself or your partner, you’re in the right place.

Let’s get started, shall we?

What is Orgasmic Meditation? 

Orgasmic Meditation is a wellness practice that blends mindfulness and sexuality into one powerful experience.

Although the practice itself has been in existence for decades, it was popularized in the last decade through a group called One Taste, headed by Nicole Daedone, author of the best selling book, “Slow Sex”.

One Taste came under a lot of fire due to abuse allegations of their staff and questionable sales tactics and since has been disbanded, then re-organized.  

While I continue to have serious questions about their ethics and business practices, I fully support and embrace the practice of Orgasmic Meditation.

Unlike traditional meditation, which focuses solely on calming the mind, OM incorporates conscious, sensual touch — specifically, light stroking of the clitoris for 15 minutes — to create heightened awareness, pleasure, and connection.

It’s less about the end result (the orgasm itself) and more about the journey, tapping into the deep sensations and energies that flow during the process.

Sounds pretty amazing, right?

The Benefits of Orgasmic Meditation

You might be wondering why anyone would practice this.

OM is often practiced not only for the pleasure it brings but also for the profound benefits it offers both emotionally and physically.

Here are a few key perks:

  • Enhanced Connection with Your Body
In a world that’s constantly buzzing with distractions, OM allows you to slow down and truly connect with your body.
You’ll begin to notice subtleties in your sensations, helping you become more attuned to what feels good, not just during OM but in other areas of your life as well.

OMing (as it is technically called) can be very helpful for women who have trouble with orgasm and experience less sensation in their clitoris and vulva. 


  • Deeper Intimacy with Your Partner


For couples, OM can be a beautiful way to increase intimacy and communication.
It’s not about rushing to orgasm but savoring the experience of touch and presence.
This deep level of focus on each other often translates to a more fulfilling relationship outside of the bedroom too.


  • Stress Relief and Emotional Balance


Like traditional meditation, OM helps to reduce stress by keeping you grounded in the present moment.
The focus on sensual touch can release feel-good hormones like oxytocin, leading to a sense of calm, well-being, and connection.


  • Heightened Sexual Awareness


OM allows you to explore your sexual energy in a mindful way.
It encourages you to be curious about your body’s responses and the layers of pleasure you can unlock through gentle, conscious touch.

How OM Works: The Basics

Now that you’ve got an idea of what OM is, let’s break down how it’s practiced.

Teaching OM via a blog is pretty impossible and unfortunately all of the OM technique videos are no longer available on You Tube.  

This is the best free video I’ve found so far. You can also purchase a tutorial video on Amazon that was created by Nicole Daedone. However, I hate that it’s at a $99 price point! 

Also just found out that there is an OM APP which has some free content, but seems like to really go deep you need to pay an annual membership fee of $150.  (See what I mean about their business practices….).

OM usually involves two people: a stroker (the one giving the touch) and the strokee (the one receiving). While it’s typically done in a pair, the practice can also be experienced solo although it can be challenging to completely surrender to pleasure.

Here’s a simplified version of how an OM session usually flows:

    • Create a Safe, Relaxed Space

Before you begin, set the mood. Think soft lighting, comfortable pillows, and maybe some calming music in the background. Both participants should feel safe, respected, and open to the experience.

You create a nest of pillows for the strokees thighs to rest on and typically the strokee only removes their bottoms. Their top stays on as does all the clothes of the stroker. 


  • Set a Timer for 15 Minutes

Unlike other sexual practices that might not have a set time limit, OM typically lasts for 15 minutes. This keeps the session focused and helps the participants remain present.

  • The Stroker’s Role

The stroker’s job is simple: to lightly stroke the upper left quadrant of the clitoris (or the area that feels most pleasurable for the strokee) with a soft, consistent touch. The key here is presence, not pressure. The goal is to tune in to the subtle changes in the body and sensation.

  • The Strokee’s Role

The strokee simply receives. This might sound easy, but receiving without trying to “perform” or chase an orgasm can be a new experience for many. Focus on your sensations, and allow yourself to be fully in the moment without any expectation.

  • Communication is Key

Throughout the session, both partners are encouraged to communicate. The strokee can guide the stroker on what feels good or how to adjust the touch, while the stroker can share their observations on what they’re noticing. It’s all about staying connected.

  • Closing the Session

After the 15 minutes are up, the session ends, and both partners take a moment to reflect on what they experienced. Sharing thoughts and feelings after the practice can help deepen intimacy and provide clarity on what worked best.

Is OM For You?

Orgasmic Meditation might sound a little unconventional, but it’s an incredibly powerful practice for anyone curious about exploring the intersection of mindfulness and sensuality.

Whether you’re looking to build deeper intimacy with your partner, enhance your self-awareness, or simply add something new to your wellness routine, OM offers a fresh and exciting path.

So, if you’re feeling adventurous, why not give it a try?

Orgasmic Meditation is about exploring and honoring your body, and, most importantly, it’s about the journey, not the destination.

Embrace the opportunity to slow down, savor the moment, and enjoy the connection — with yourself or with your partner.

Have you tried OM before or are you curious to give it a go? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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