How to Use Sex Magick to Manifest Your Desires in 2021
Congratulations! You made it to 2021! This past year has tested all of us in ways we never imagined...
Are You Living an Orgasmic Life?
, like my free Consider this question - What does it mean to live an orgasmic life? I contemplate and...
Energetic Violations in Non-Intimate Settings
Recently someone tagged me in an article and wanted to know my thoughts on it. The article was about energetically...
Words of Wisdom from Margot Anand: Grandmother of Tantra
[caption id="attachment_2356" align="aligncenter" width="635"] Margot Anand and Ecstatic Living Institute Teachers[/caption] Last week I had the immense pleasure of spending...
Tribute to Steve Carter: My Teacher & Mentor
How does one begin to process the events of the past few weeks? From the devastation of the Valley Fires...
Transforming Lives One Tantra Workshop at a Time
Picture this… You are in a room with 28 strangers on day one of a seven day intensive Tantra workshop. ...
A Weekend of Tantra Yoga Can Change Your Life
I recently had the honor and privilege to facilitate a weekend Sky Dancing Tantra Yoga retreat at the beautiful Sky...
Have Great Sex Without Taking Off Your Clothes
Picture this: You are in a room full of people who are writhing on the floor in an orgasmic state...