Sex in Old Age
How do these paintings of older people having sex make you feel? Be honest with yourself. Intriguing or revolting?...
The Power of Mind Body Medicine
Sometimes clients show up at my door in pain. Not just emotional pain, but intense physical pain. Often our...
Becoming a “Master Lover”
All of these men know something that you (or your partner) probably don't... What it takes to become a "Master...
Tribute to Steve Carter: My Teacher & Mentor
How does one begin to process the events of the past few weeks? From the devastation of the Valley Fires...
Passion and Intimacy: Keep the flame burning
Is there anyone reading this post who doesn't feel the connection and passion between this couple? I felt it deep...
5 Signs that Separation may be in Your Future
Recently I've had a lot of new clients, both individuals and couples, who want my help on deciding whether or...
Pussy Talk and Cock Talk: It’s not what you think…
Here's a question for you...When is the last time that you had a conversation with your genitals? I mean, a...
Facing Our Fears Around Intimacy
Last year I wrote a blog post about becoming an intimacy scientist. It was my Research & Development approach to...
Madonna Whore Complex: Bad for Men and Women
The Madonna Whore complex shows up so frequently in my sex coaching practice that I thought a blog addressing it...
Shanghai & Sex: Balancing the Old with the New
Have you missed me? I have spent the last two weeks in China visiting the incredible city of Shanghai. Internet...